About me

What dads don’t know can hurt their kids.
I am passionate about helping dads keep their kids from going down paths leading to
- Drug and alcohol addiction
- Unplanned teenage pregnancies
- Poverty and homelessness
- Crime
- Terrorism
- Pornography
- Gang involvement
- Violence
- Failed marriages
- Child abuse
- Suicide
But here’s the thing. Dads can also enjoy the journey. They can have less frustration, more peace of mind, and experience the joy and fulfillment that comes from building a strong family.
When I was a new father, he was clueless about raising children. I didn’t have a good role model growing up. I thought that love, common sense, and intuition were all I needed.
I soon discovered I needed more. I needed skills; dad skills.
I read parenting books. Lots of parenting books. It seemed there was an endless number of parenting books. Each had good things to say, but, oh my gosh, where was that one book that had all the answers I needed in one place so I didn’t have to spend so much time reading?
I read nearly 100 books.
I never found that ONE book.
So, I decided to write it!
Please say hello to The 7 Essential Dad-Skills, a compilation of the best parts from the best parenting books.
But that wasn’t good enough for me. It seemed many parenting books were somewhat difficult to read, with small text, long paragraphs, using technical language. It seemed they were written for people with good eyes and a long attention span. That wasn’t me. It was frustrating.
So, here’s what I did.
I made The 7 Essential Dad-Skills EASY TO READ. What a concept! But really, it’s what dads want. It’s what I wanted. This book gets to the point fast. No fluff – and easy to understand.
Now dads only have to go to one place to find the BEST information on how to be the BEST dads they can be.
AND they can enjoy the reading.
I have six children and 21 grandchildren. From 2016 I have been teaching parenting and fatherhood classes as a staff member of Utah State University, and have shown hundreds of inmates in the State Prison and county jails how to break the cycle of abuse and be good dads.
More about me than you may ever care to know
I’m an auctioneer. I’ve been talking fast since 1995. My specialty is fundraising auctions.
I served a 2-year mission in Japan for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I was fluent in Japanese back then. I’m 6’7” tall, so to say I stood out would be an understatement.
I spent a summer in Hawaii picking pineapples.
I’ve run three marathons, the first when I was 50 years old. I enjoy hiking and still go regularly during the summer. If you’re ever in Salt Lake City, bring your hiking boots and we’ll hit a trail together.
I do not like yard work and my yard reflects it. I once bought my wife a new, battery-powered weed-whacker for an anniversary present hoping that she would have so much fun with it that she’d want to take over the weed-whacking. That didn’t happen, but I use a nice weed-whacker now.
I’m a low profile kind-a-guy. I don’t like to draw attention to myself. You may be asking, “But don’t you draw attention to yourself when you are on a stage in front of 500 guests at a fundraiser or in front of a group of parents?” Yeah, but that’s the only time.
I tell my grandchildren that eggnog tastes better when you slurp it – to the chagrin of my children’s spouses. I also tell my grandchildren that food tastes better when you share – and it does.
I was born in 1952. My wife and I live in Salt Lake City, Utah. I love the ocean and I love Hawaii. We’ll be heading back there in the near future. Why don’t you meet us there. Hawaii’s always better when you share.
I was a computer programmer for nearly 20 years. I have an MBA degree. I was an accountant for a while. I worked many years in office cubicles, keeping a low profile.
According to my children, I have mastered the art of bad dad jokes. That’s a good thing, right?
I want to leave a legacy when I die. That legacy involves YOU. If any of my efforts have made parenting more meaningful or more joyful or better in any way for you, then my work will have been worth it.