The Kind of Man I am
Three Steps To Becoming a Coffee Bean
In the last post (What is a Real Man?) you learned that a real man is a coffee bean. In this post, you will learn 3 steps to becoming a coffee bean.
Step 1 – Workout
The first thing you do is work out, mentally and physically. A mental workout is putting good things into your mind.
Here’s the thing: You become what you think. What you think about creates your future. You create your future with your thoughts.
When you put good things into your mind it gives you the power to create a better life.
What you think about you bring about. What kind of books do you read? What kind of videos to you watch? What kind of magazines do you read? Are you putting good things into your mind?
The second workout is physical. How do you stay physically healthy? Do you get enough sleep, eat right, exercise?
We cannot pour from an empty pitcher. If we are going to touch the lives of others, we must take care of ourselves, first mentally and physically. That’s the first thing you do.
Step 2 – Serve Others
Here is the second thing you do to become a coffee bean. This will lead you to happiness and success. It’s life’s secret. If someone asks you what the secret to life is, you tell ‘em this. The secret to life is 2 words: serve others.
It’s about helping other people. Raising people up to a new level in their life. Doing kind things. Serving. Helping. We all need help along the way.
When you are helping someone else, you are helping yourself. The reward is how good you feel after doing simple acts of kindness.
Whatever good you put out there, it comes back to you.
That’s the way the universe works.
Every time you do something to help someone, you change the environment – you are being a coffee bean. And when you lift others, you lift yourself.
Step 3 – Live by this motto: If it is to be, it is up to me
Next time you look at yourself in the mirror, I want you to look in that mirror, at the only person who can hold you back, and say these 10 words – the most powerful 10 words in the English language:
If it is to be, it is up to me.
From this day going forward, live by this motto. It’s worth repeating. If it is to be, it is up to me.
What does that mean? If I want to become something, or if I want something to happen, it’s up to me to make it happen. No excuses. No complaining. No blaming others. I don’t listen to anyone telling me I can’t. I do whatever it takes, until I achieve what I want.
If it is to be, it is up to me.
Any time you take action to make something happen, whether it’s to make you a better person or to change your surroundings, you are living by your motto:
If it is to be, it is up to me
and you are being that coffee bean.
The coffee bean story is a message of hope. It will help raise your life to a new level.
So, here’s your call to action. A real man is a coffee bean. Go out there and go be that coffee bean.
I searched a long time for what it means to be a real man. When I came across THE COFFEE BEAN by Damon West on YouTube: , I knew I had found my answer.