Dad skills list


The last post was an introduction to dad-skills. Here is a list of dad-skills and a link to each one.

A sense of belonging

A sense of personal power

  • Give choices
  • Teach Life-skills
  • Help your children make and achieve goals

To be heard and understood

  • Acknowledge negative feelings


  • Teach Good Values
  • Teach Desirable Behavior
  • Model Good Behavior
  • Give Attention to Good Behavior
  • Follow through with enforcing requests or rules
  • Carry or move the child if necessary
  • Describe what you see
  • Use one word
  • Express how you feel
  • Stop, redirect, reward
  • Give advance warning
  • Cooling-off period
  • When-then statements
  • Set up a when-then bedtime routine
  • Set up a when-then morning routine
  • Problem-solve together
  • Consequences
  • Either-or

    There will probably be other stuff along the way like:

    • The problems with punishment
    • Getting along with the mother of your children
    • Enhancing “the kind of man you are”.

    So stay tuned.

    Moving Forward

    In the next post we are going to look at a common barrier you are going to face in your quest to becoming the best dad you can be: pain that comes with change, and how to overcome it. Then we will dive into the dad-skills.