What Great Dads Do
This Website Shows How to be a Good Dad
- How to strengthen your relationships with your children
- How to decrease misbehavior and increase cooperation
- How to increase the odds your children will make good choices even when you are not around
- How to build a strong family where your children learn and practice good values
The Problem
Do you ever say your kids are driving you crazy – and you’re not joking?
Do you ask your children to do something (or stop doing something) and get crickets?
Do you ever think, this isn’t what I signed up for?
Do your children get in trouble at school?
Do your children display any of the following behaviors regularly?
- Whining
- Teasing
- Fighting with siblings
- Interrupting
- Throw tantrums
- Back-talk
- Lying
- Defiance
- Disregard for rules
- Failure to show respect
Do you have any of the following symptoms regularly?
- Frustration
- Anger
- Stress
- Exhaustion
- Recurring thoughts that I’m a bad parent
- Recurring thoughts that I’m afraid I’m screwing up my child
- Feelings of:
- Inadequacy
- Incompetence
- Ineffectiveness
Did you grow up without a dad or a good role model?
Were you abused by a father figure when you were young?
Do you have thoughts about not wanting to be a dad anymore and feel like bailing?
Did you feel an indescribable, overwhelming feeling of love when you held your newborn for the first time and promised to give him or her the best life you could, but wasn’t sure how you were going to do that?
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, this website was made for you.
Your Guide

Hi, I’m Richard O’Keef, a parent just like you, and on this site, I share the best dad advice you will find in any one place.
You no longer have to settle for an archaic parenting model filled with frustration and aggravation. You no longer have to use old hand-me-down parenting methods such as punishing, bribing, threatening, lecturing, time-outs, and counting to three to get your children to cooperate. You can build a happy, strong, resilient family.
I’m a former clueless dad, but over the years and after a lot of research, I’ve learned some things about being a dad that I want to share with you. The first thing is this:
There is no reason any dad should feel unprepared or incompetent.
I created this website specifically for dads. I know how dads think. I promise I will not waste your time. I’ve made this website into a resource that is easy to understand, with step-by-step instructions that get right to the point without a lot of fluff. The advice you get will work, and work fast. I want to lift you so you can lift your children.
I teach fatherhood education to incarcerated dads; dads who grew up being abused and who lived through constant trauma.
The only way these dads know how to raise kids is how they were raised.
Many of my students have multiple children from multiple mothers.
Most of them have struggled with drug and alcohol addiction, uncontrolled anger, and a sense of low self-worth.
They don’t know how to be good dads. They were never taught.
I help them break the cycle of abuse and learn to be good dads.
I can help you be a good dad too.
The Plan
The plan has 3 steps.
Step 1. We will identify 4 objectives that you will achieve:
- Strengthen your relationship with your children
- Replace misbehavior with cooperation
- Increase the odds your children will make good choices when you are not around
- Build a strong family where your children will learn and practice good values.
As you work toward achieving these objectives, you will experience less frustration, more peace of mind, and more joy and fulfillment.
Step 2. You will learn the most powerful 5 words a dad can live by:
Meet The 4 Emotional Needs
When you meet the 4 Needs, you meet the 4 objectives naturally and automatically.
Step 3. You will learn the essential dad-skills needed to meet the 4 Emotional Needs.
It’s that simple.
To achieve the 4 objectives, meet the 4 emotional needs.
To meet the 4 emotional needs, practice the essential dad-skills.
Call to Action
Let’s do this.
To get started, click on the Start Here picture at the bottom.
What to Expect if You do NOT Take Action
No change. Status quo.
What to Expect if You DO Take Action
You will enjoy being around your children and they will enjoy being around you.
You will ask your child to do something and he will do it. He may not like it, but he will do it.
A reduction in unwanted, rotten, bad behavior.
More self-confidence.
You will achieve the 4 objectives and your kids will think you are an awesome dad.
Click Start here, below, to begin your journey.