
Dads Matter
As a dad, you will help write your children’s future. By being present in their lives and using the skills you are about to learn, you will make a positive impact that would otherwise not happen. Click here to see how important you are. (3 mini-lessons)

The Kind of Man I Am
Are you the kind of man you want your sons to grow to be like? Are you the kind of man you want your daughters to look for in a husband? Click here for some ideas to help you be the kind of man your children need. (6 mini-lessons)

Relationship with MOM
Your relationship with your children will be affected by your relationship with MOM (the mother of your children). Click here to see how you can enhance that relationship. (7 mini-lessons)

Relationship with Children
Relationship is the foundation of Teaching and Correcting. The relationships you have with your children will determine your happiness and fulfillment as a dad. Click here to learn how to strengthen those relationship. (9 mini-lessons)

What you teach your children will prepare them for adulthood. You must also teach before you can effectively correct. Click here to discover how you can be their best teacher. (8 mini-lessons)

Click here to learn how to skillfully correct your children without threatening, punishing, or lecturing. (2 mini-lessons)