Moving Forward

Congratulations for making it this far. In the small amount of time it took you to read these posts, you learned some things about raising children that most dads don’t know.
I’ll tell you the same thing I tell my students. When someone asks you, “How do you become a good dad?” The first five words out of your mouth should be:
Meet the 4 Emotional Needs
You become a good dad (achieve the 4 objectives) by meeting the 4 Emotional Needs.
Moving forward, you will learn the skills to meet those needs.
They are contained in the Mini-Lessons and the Blog, both located in the menu at the top.
The Mini-Lessons are divided into 6 categories:
- Dads matter
- The kind of man I am
- Relationship with mom
- Relationship with children
- Teaching
- Correcting
The first 3 categories, Dads matter, The kind of man I am, and Relationship with mom, are introduced.
They will give you more insight into how to meet your children’s 4 Emotional Needs and achieve the 4 objectives. Everything taught here is to help meet The 4 Emotional Needs.
Click on Mini-Lessons to continue your journey to becoming a great dad. Drop me a line some day and let me know how you are doing.