Relationship with Mom

Do You Want to Change Mom?
You can’t do it. The only person who can change mom’s behavior is mom. But you can have such an influence that she may be willing to change. The thing is, you have to be willing to change too.

We try to reason with her. When that doesn’t work, our frustration kicks in and that can result in arguing, threatening, yelling, blaming, criticizing and putting our fist through the wall.

One of the essentials to a healthy marriage, or a good relationship with the mother of your children, is dealing effectively with your failures. None of us are perfect and we all make mistakes. And that involves apologizing.

Be Willing to Change
You cannot talk yourself out of something you behaved yourself into. She won’t believe what you say. She will need to see your new behavior and believe your new behavior is really who you are.

Help Around the House
Assuming that mom will handle the vast majority of the “household chores” is not only sexist and unfair, it will likely lead to unnecessary stress on the relationship.

Problem-Solve Together
Only when she feels you understand the entire reason for her behavior will you be able to arrive at a solution you can both feel good about.

Speak Her Love Language
Are you in a relationship where you think you are doing everything you can to please your wife or the mother of your children, but she doesn’t feel the love?