Welcome to my website. I have two goals:
- To help you enjoy being a dad
- To give your children a dad who can put them on a path to success and happiness
I’m a former clueless dad, but over the years and after a lot of research, I’ve learned some important things about being a dad that I want to share with you. The first thing is this:
There’s no reason any dad should feel unprepared or incompetent.
I created this website specifically for dads. I know how dads think. I promise I will not waste your time. I’ve made this website into a resource that is easy to understand, with step-by-step instructions that get right to the point without a lot of fluff. The advice you get will work, and work fast. I want to lift you so you can lift your children.
If you are new to this website, I suggest you begin with “Start here” – a menu item at the top of this page. Read through those short posts to understand the reason behind all the tips you will receive.
I will continue to add more information. This is a work in progress. Visit this “blog” periodically for new posts, updates and messages.